May the Tank be with you. ‘Oh look.’ You joke to yourself pulling upon your basic pop culture knowledge. ‘Tom made a Star Wars reference and just changed it enough to avoid copyright.’ Well that is where you are wrong.…
METAL MAX Xeno is out today on PS4
Come witness a tale of revenge and redemption at the end of the world in METAL MAX Xeno, now available on PS4! Watch our brand-new Launch Trailer featuring the post-apocalyptic world in which tanks are the only things left preventing the extinction of human-kind! Style…
METAL MAX Xeno Launches on September 25 for PS4
The next entry to the METAL MAX franchise, METAL MAX Xeno, is slated to arrive exclusively on PS4 on September 25! Join Talis and explore the deserted wasteland once called home to human civilization, find your fellow comrades, and face…
METAL MAX Xeno Arrives on PS4 This Year!
NISAmerica are excited to announce that METAL MAX Xeno, the latest installment in the Metal Max franchise, is headed West this year to PS4! Celebrating its 25th anniversary and featuring a brand-new cast of characters, METAL MAX Xeno goes “back…
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When Should Online Gamers Switch to Full Fibre Broadband?
Video games remain popular across the UK. Although the console is still considered king, online…
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