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Nintendo’s E3: I Was Right Enough to Brag

Well, that was certainly… interesting. As far as my predictions were concerned, there were some things I got so astoundingly right I’m considering opening a fortune-telling business, and some things I got so astonishingly wrong I’m considering wearing a paper…

Entirely Infallible Nintendo E3 Predictions

Ahh, E3. That wonderful arbitrary time of year when all the major gaming companies of the world descend upon a venue in Los Angeles to showcase how absolutely no games are coming out until at least September. E3 themselves seem…

At last! SupaRetroN HD – Play your favourite SNES games in Supa high definition!

Introducing the SupaRetroN HD: Hyperkin’s latest console not only sports a classic retro look – it’s packed with tech to make playing your favourite SNES games more enjoyable than ever! The Super Nintendo Entertainment System – the best-selling console of…

GekiYaba Runner Deluxe Review

So I think we can all agree that 2016 was a pretty awful year, not just because of a whole heap of disappointing, unfulfilling triple A titles, but because the world kinda went arse over tit.  I for one had…

Animal Crossing New Leaf Review Coming Soon

Coming in June is the biggest selling Title on the 3DS so far in Japan reaching almost 4 million users, on the 4th of June North America gets that hands on the title and just around the corner, 14th June…

Check out Japans Upcoming 3DS Direct

Fancy watching Nintedo Direct Japan Style… doubt you will understand any bloody thing but still could be fun to see what they are getting months before us ….