Paper Beast Archives | Invision Game Community
Paper Beast is coming to PSVR2 and PS5 this Fall

French Game developer Pixel Reef has announced that their VR debut title Paper Beast will be updated and launched on the cutting-edge PSVR2 and PS5 platforms on September 27th, 2023. Paper Beast PS5 Trailer

Paper Beast Unfolds a Captivating Virtual World on PSVR

Paper Beast, the poetic journey through a blossoming virtual world by renowned game designer Eric Chahi (Another World, From Dust) beckons explorers to a stunning digital world on PlayStation VR. Embark on a mysterious journey to learn the truth of…

Paper Beast Heads to PSVR March 24

Paper Beast, the poetic journey through a blossoming virtual world by renowned game designer Eric Chahi, beckons explorers to PlayStation VR March 24. A mysterious world of fascinating flora and fauna unfurls from long-forgotten code and algorithms. In adventure mode,…

Paper Beast Unfolds a Vibrant Virtual World on PSVR in 2019

Paper Beast, a playful exploration game from Eric Chahi, the legendary designer behind Another World and From Dust, will invite players to explore a blossoming virtual landscape on PlayStation VR in 2019. Somewhere inside Big Data, lost code and forgotten…