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Changes are coming to Rainbow Six Siege

During the Rainbow Six Siege Community and Game Celebration, Ubisoft announced its plan for the Future of Siege. The continuous support and additions to Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege from the studio in the past years will continue in Year…

Road to S.I. in-game event is returning to Rainbow Six Siege

Ubisoft has announced the Road to S.I. in-game event is returning to Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, running every Thursday to Monday between 21st January and 22nd February. The Six Invitational 2021 Battle Pass is also available, which contributes to the…

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege 2021 Six Invitational Revealed

Ubisoft has revealed more details about the 2021 edition of the Six Invitational, the World Championship of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege and the pinnacle of the competitive year. The fifth edition of the tournament will take place in Paris,…

Tune in and watch the Rainbow Six: Siege APAC Finals 9th January

Ubisoft has announced that the best professional teams of the Season 2020 of the Asia-Pacific League of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege will compete in the APAC Finals to mark the end of the 2020 regional league, between 9th and…

Rainbow Six Siege Upgraded for Next Gen and Operation Neon Dawn Out Now

Ubisoft announced that Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is now available on PlayStation5 and Xbox Series X | S in up to 4K and 120 FPS with render scaling, at the same price as the current-gen version. All current game owners…

Rainbow Six Siege Next Gen Treatment Coming 1st December

Ubisoft announced that Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S versions are coming 1st December. These versions will allow gameplay in 4K and up to 120 fps, depending on the mode chosen by the players (performance or…

AbleGamers & Rainbow Six Siege Charity Bundle Now Live

Ubisoft announced the launch of the Sixth Guardian Program, a new series of charity bundles in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. Starting in Year 5 Season 4, the game will feature a special charity bundle, with new bundles added in…

Tune in to the Rainbow Six Asia Pacific November Six Major

November to 29th November and will be split into three tournaments, tailored to the competitive structure of the Asia-Pacific region: the North Division and South Division, encompassing the South Asia and Oceania tournaments.

Rainbow Six Siege Tachanka Rework Out Now

Ubisoft announced that the Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Tachanka Operator rework is now available on all platforms, following its test phase on PC. Lord Tachanka has been deeply reworked for competitive play, with new mobility and new gameplay opportunities, thanks…

Rainbow Six Siege Reveals Operation Neon Dawn

Ubisoft announced the full details of the fourth season of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Year 5: Operation Neon Dawn. This new season introduces the first Thai Operator on the Rainbow Six Team, Aruni, in addition to an entirely reworked Skyscraper…