Dungeons and Dragons Daggerdale for Xbox 360 is, – developed by Bedlam games and, – published by Atari games. When the evil Rezlus seeks to destroy Daggerdale, a mysterious figure Lorin-Aria recruits four heroes/ heroines to save the land from…
Dungeon Siege 3 Review
Dungeon Siege 3 is developed by Obsidian Entertainment and Published by Square Enix; it is the third instalment of the series. The original Dungeon Siege was an unforgettable game that one can still greatly enjoy today. Its first sequel was…
Dungeon Defenders Review
Dungeon Defenders is developed and published by Trendy Entertainment and is available on PC, PSN, XBLA and later on in the year, iOS and Android before wrapping up with a PS Vita version in 2012. Dungeon Defenders is a Co-op…
Duke Nukem Forever Review
Finally after almost 15 years in production the steroid popping, booze-guzzling misogynist Duke Nukem is finally released to its adoring fans. The production of the game has one hell of a history behind it going from one design team to…
Dirt Showdown Review
Dirt Showdown is a driving game developed by Codemasters Southam. The player is a driver and the game involves racing in tournaments. Wins will earn you money which you can use to upgrade your cars and you’ll unlock new tournaments…
Dirt 3 Review
Codemasters brings you its next instalment in its racing franchise Dirt 3, this is Codemasters 8th game in the series given that Colin McRae 1 through 5, and Dirt 1 and 2 were its predecessors. It’s a rally game with…
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Review
Deus Ex: Human Revolution has been developed by Eidos Montreal and produced by Sqaure Enix. The new instalment of Deus Ex is a prequel to the genre defining game originally released back in June 2000, with the sequel Deus Ex:…
Defenders of Ardania Review
Trying to shake up a genre is not always a good move… Personally, I love tower defence games. Over the past few years I’ve played many, ranging from one of the original mods of Warcraft 3 to the newest hitting…
Deep Black Reloaded Review
Deep Black Reloaded developed by Biart is their third person shooter released on Windows. It is also being released on Xbox 360 and PS3 online stores. Deep Black is set in the near future following Lt Pierce; a solider specialized…
Deathspank: Thongs of Virtue Review
DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue is the second game in the DeathSpank Series and is a sequel to the first game, continuing from where the first game left off. Monkey Islands’ Ron Gilbert and Hothead Games bring this new part to…