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Tales from the Borderlands Review

Tales from the Borderlands is another game developed by Telltale Games in their line of Episode Point-and-click adventure games, following in the steps of The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. With the companies rise to popularity of late…

LittleBigPlanet 3 Review

Slandering newspapers, clueless TV personalities and angry parents will often form an alliance when a video game makes the headlines and us humble gamers are criticised as being violent, braindead ‘yoofs’. All video games are violent these days and apparantly…

The Crew Review

Ubisoft may have won the Invision Game Community Publisher of the year award this past week and some of their games may have picked up awards as well, but they have also come under a lot of scrutiny this year.…

Rollers of the Realm Review

Probably a lot of people from my generation were the first to experience computers from a young age, particularly in early years in school. Those of us who were lucky enough to have our own personal computer could enjoy a…

Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

The human race believes we are now currently at the height of technological advancement, everything we produce now is ‘smart’ and you can’t go anywhere without connecting to the internet or telling the whole population your current location. Outside of…

Far Cry 4 Review

Imagine this: flying a cross-over dune buggy and mini-helicopter with one hand while with the other shooting a grenade launcher towards a truck, with one of the bad guys shooting in the air a little below you, all while an…

Samurai Warriors 4 Review

Hack and Slash has been a popular genre among games across a series of ages, being most popular in the early 2000s with titles such as Diablo II or the Devil May Cry Series. Lately, games of this genre have…

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – The Cynic’s Review

To word it honestly, I dislike the Call of Duty franchise. Every year it graces our shelves and invades are TVs hyping up to be the biggest and greatest game currently on this Earth, and every year it’s just a…

Assassins Creed Unity Review

Unity paints a beautiful (if maudlin and a little bit shallow) picture. Revolutionary France. Disgruntled peasants choke both narrow streets and sprawling plazas with burning effigies and rousing chants. Scenery ranges from gorgeous, plush architecture to the dirty, dark depths…

Driveclub Review

Cast your mind back to the PlayStation 4 launch of November last year, and you might begin to remember about a high-profile release unfortunately missing out on a slice of the action. Fast-forward to 11 months later after a hefty…