Warner Bros. Games, Spin Master and WayForward have released the launch trailer for Bakugan: Champions of Vestroia, an all-new, action role-playing video game coming exclusively to Nintendo Switch on 6th November 2020 in the UK and Ireland. Based on the wildly…
Something cool for back to school
It’s been an extraordinarily long summer and as kids head back to school, leading toy company, Spin Master, shares its top five toys to keep the kids educated and entertained at home. For some, it’s been a five-month school hiatus,…
New RPG Bakugan: Champions of Vestroia Annonuded
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Spin Master and WayForward have announced Bakugan: Champions of Vestroia, an all-new, action role-playing video game that will be coming exclusively to Nintendo Switch on 6th November 2020, expanding on the wildly popular, global Bakugan franchise…