Video Game Industry Archives | Invision Game Community
This Is Why the Video Game Industry Is Wary of Bingo’s Recovery

Video games have been at the forefront of the entertainment industry for so long that you are forgiven for assuming their position is safe. After all, Sony and Microsoft have released their respective next-generation consoles recently to great fanfare – it’s…

Video game industry now worth $163.1b

Estimates indicate that as of 2021 the video games market is now worth over $163.1b worldwide, up 152.b in 2019, from $78.1billion in 2017, with scope to change with the upcoming release of  the PS5 and Xbox Series X. The…

Video Game Industry Rose Over 50% Since 2010

The Video Game industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in today’s economy even despite the COVID-19 pandemic slowing down most other industries. According to data presented by, the market size of the video game industry in the US…

WHO x Games Industry Companies Launch #PlayApartTogether

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the video game industry announce #PlayApartTogether, a campaign that encourages healthy physical distancing by bringing special events, exclusives, activities, rewards and inspiration to some of the most popular games in the world. Ray Chambers,…

SNJV and IDATE Digiworld have released their 5th annual Video Game industry Barometer for France

The 5th edition of the annual industry barometer produced by the SNJV and IDATE Digiworld delivers a representative snapshot of the video game industry in France. This new edition includes a complete set of infographics on the video game sector’s…

How to Get a Job in the Video Game Industry

Video games are now an A+ entertainment industry. They benefit from worldwide releases, have millions of fans, and even enjoy Hollywood talent, conventions, and the red carpet treatment. The best part about video games is that they are constantly improving.…