Coffee Stain Publishing and Iron Gate have unveiled a new cinematic trailer by BRIKK Animation celebrating the full release of Valheim’s first biome update, the Mistlands. Vikings around the world can now peer beyond the ancient veil and venture forth into the fog to discover what lies within!
Mistlands is Valheim’s largest biome to date, and brings a wide variety of new additions. First and foremost, a new magic system is being introduced. Vikings can now harvest eitr, an ancient essence found in the roots of the Yggdrasil World Tree, and consume it to gain the ability to wield fire, ice, and power over life and death. Players must harness this power by crafting different staffs, with an array of destruction, protection and necromantic conduits to choose from.
As with every biome, new weapons, armour, building pieces and other resources have been added. Black marble is being introduced as the new building material, reminiscent of ancient dwarven ruins that players can find in the new biome. A new weapon type is introduced, too – The Arbalest, a hefty crossbow that knocks back enemies, perfect for keeping foes at an arm’s length. That and much more has arrived with the Mistlands update, from new additions to interior decoration to nine new weapons, two armour sets and contraptions to bolster your settlement’s defences.
Friends and foes await in the impenetrable mist. The Mistlands are teeming with ancient history and magics, and creatures inhabiting this realm are ancient, too. A range of new enemies will challenge Vikings on ground and in the air, but those in need can find shelter in the ancient dvergr structures scattered across the biome. Players will also encounter dvergr allies, Valheim’s first friendly faction, on their adventures.
Valheim is available on Microsoft Store and PC Game Pass and on Steam Early Access for PC and Linux.
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