Ensuring Objective Reviews: The Scoring System at Invision Game Community
At Invision Game Community, we take pride in delivering objective and unbiased reviews of equipment and games. To maintain transparency and accuracy, we’ve implemented a comprehensive scoring system that ensures our readers receive genuine evaluations. Here’s an insight into how our scoring methodology works:
The Scoring Scale: Reflecting Individual Evaluation
Our writers utilize a standardized scale of 1 – 10 when assigning scores to the items they review. This scale represents the spectrum from the lowest possible score of 1 to the highest score of 10. Each score is a reflection of the writer’s personal opinion about the reviewed item. It’s important to note that these scores are individual perspectives and may not necessarily align with the views of Invision Game Community Ltd.
Objectivity Amidst Diversity
While a significant majority—approximately 99%—of the items we review are generously provided by developers, manufacturers, and publishers, this support does not influence the scoring process. Our writers are dedicated to maintaining objectivity and impartiality in their reviews. Each writer brings their unique perspective to the table, enriching our content and differentiating us from other review platforms.
Equity in Evaluation
We approach all items equally, devoid of preconceived notions or biases. Every item receives the same level of scrutiny, critique, and attention, irrespective of whether it’s a humble indie title or a high-profile AAA game. Our commitment to equitable evaluation ensures that each item is scored based on its inherent merits rather than being pitted against other products.
Unveiling the Scoring Process
To provide insight into the scoring process, here’s a brief demonstration:
- Our writers have the flexibility to score individual elements of the game if they choose to.
- Writers also offer textual assessments of “The Good” and “The Bad” aspects of the item.
- When it’s time to determine the final score, our website calculates the average based on the individual scores assigned to each element.
- We’re actively working on implementing a feature that allows for manual overrides of the calculated average, giving our writers more control over the scoring process.
At Invision Game Community, our aim is to deliver reviews that stand as a testament to integrity, objectivity, and individuality. By adhering to our rigorous scoring system, we maintain the trust of our readers and uphold our commitment to unbiased evaluations.
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