We’ve got a lot of news for you as the August 7 release of Hearthstone’s latest expansion, The Boomsday Project, approaches. Below you’ll find details on a new Hearthside Chat video with Stephen Chang, Boomsday Project pre-release parties, unlisted Fireside Gatherings, and the return of the Fire Festival!
Hearthside Chat with Stephen Chang: MagneticIn a new Hearthside Chat video, Hearthstone Final Game Designer Stephen Chang details the new Magnetic keyword coming in The Boomsday Project.
Flexibility on the battlefield is the primary goal of Magnetic, which is featured on some of the Mechs in the upcoming set. Players can choose to play Magnetic Mechs as standalone minions or build the biggest, baddest Mech this side of the Netherstorm by combining the Attack, Health, and card text of the Mechs being magnetized together.
Stephen also reveals four Magnetic cards coming in The Boomsday Project, one of which is Dr. Boom’s personal bodyguard, Zilliax. This Neutral Legendary Mech boasts the keywords Magnetic, Divine Shield, Taunt, Lifesteal, and Rush, adding a ton of utility when combined with another Mech.
To see more cards from The Boomsday Project, tune into our card reveal kick-off livestream on our official Hearthstone Twitch channel at 19:00 CEST on Monday, July 23.
The Boomsday Project Pre-release Parties
Before The Boomsday Project’s official release, players can open their card packs early and use them in two Fireside Brawls at one of the many pre-release Fireside Gathering events across Europe.
There’s Your Basic Boomsday Brawl, a deck-building brawl that will allow you to construct decks using the cards that you open during the pre-release event. And then there’s A Scientific Recipe, a pre-constructed brawl that will have new deck recipes from the upcoming set for you to play with.
We’re partnering up with Meltdown bars and innkeepers to bring you that Fireside experience the weekend of August 4-5, with a total of 30 pre-release parties in 12 European countries. Check out our blog post for a list of locations.
Unlisted Fireside Gatherings
We’d also like to share with you a brand-new feature that allows you to create Fireside Gatherings as unlisted events. This means that Hearthstone players can host private Fireside Gatherings in more relaxed settings with friends or co-workers, while enjoying the perks of a public event.
Unlisted Fireside Gatherings are visible on the website only to the Innkeepers hosting them, and they won’t show up on upcoming event lists. The Fireside Gathering itself will be visible in the game client, and attendees will be able to search and find it in the client as well.
Unlisted events are eligible to receive Nemsy Necrofizzle if they fulfil all hosting prerequisites, which means having an established Tavern. They’re also eligible for the Fireside Gatherings card back, and they have the same Fireside Brawls as public events. However, they’re not eligible for celebration campaigns and don’t count toward Tavern or Innkeeper progression.
You can find more information on Fireside Gatherings here.
Midsummer Fire Festival
Finally, Ragnaros the Firelord has returned with the Fire Festival! Log in to Hearthstone right now to receive double gold for completing quests, find Fire Festival-themed emotes, and play a special Tavern Brawl against both Ragnaros and Frost Lord Ahune. The fire goes out on Monday, July 30, so check it out while there’s still time!