As of today, right now 09.10.2018 Sony have confirmed that they will have a new console for us gamers soon-ish.
CEO Kenichiro Yoshida spoke to the Financial Times and said this “At this point, what I can say is it’s necessary to have a next-generation hardware”. Kenichiro Yoshida have yet to confirm the systems name or any specs, So let’s call it simply the PlayStation 5.
As PC’s are storming ahead with technology and game developers making use of new groundbreaking graphics technology it was no surprise that Sony is moving ahead with its next-gen system. We could see an announcement in 2019 at E3, latest we think would be E3 2020.
So we have a new Xbox on the horizon, a new Nintendo Switch and now a confirmation of a new Sony system, great news for our bank accounts, even better news for gamers.
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