Crunchyroll Games is announcing a worldwide collaboration between Crunchyroll-Hime, Crunchyroll’s beloved anime mascot, and “Grand Summoners”, the real-time RPG with rich gameplay, strategic co-op battles, and epic anime storylines.
This in-game event, starting August 28th, will feature Crunchyroll-Hime as an exclusive, playable character alongside Yuzu, her mortal black cat companion. Crunchyroll-Hime will be summonable in Kitsune Herofest Adventure alongside other legendary Grand Summoners heroes. Crunchyroll-Hime will also have themed Equips available in Equip Summons. Crunchyroll-Hime will be the first Fire-type healer-attacker combo in the game and has the unique ability to revive herself once per battle.
Crunchyroll-Hime is “Grand Summoners” first global-exclusive character, created with hand-drawn animation that was then pixelated to create her unique in-game look. Crunchyroll-Hime’s mortal cat companion, Yuzu, also fights alongside her with 1:1 animation, copying every move she makes. Fans will also receive free Crunchyroll-Hime themed stickers, in-game currency, and more just from logging in during the Crunchyroll-Hime event.
Grand Summoners will be celebrating Crunchyroll-Hime’s arrival with two login bonuses featuring free rare items and in-game currency. Players logging in during Crunchyroll Expo will be treated to surprise gifts in addition to Hime’s chat-sticker filled login bonus.
Voice actress Rian Tachibana will voice Crunchyroll Hime during the collaboration. Tachibana’s previous credits include “Patlabor,” “Persona 4: The Golden,” and “Selia” in “Grand Summoners” among many others.
The Crunchyroll Hime in game event will run from August 28th to October 31st.
“Grand Summoners” is currently available for download on iOS and Android
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