Lead Grobo, an adorable and lonely robot, through the metallic and hand-drawn world of Megatropolis. Harness the ability to shift gravity and solve nearly 50 mind-bending puzzles to learn about the fall of civilization. Uncover the truth to why Grobo’s home is abandoned, collect lore-filled memories, and embark on an adventure to restore humanity.
Grobo Key Features:
- 48 levels filled with complex puzzles that will challenge the way you think about gravity
- Endearing narrative full of hardship and mystery
- Painterly, hand-drawn visuals paired with an enchanting soundtrack by PHÖZ, the composers of Where Shadows Slumber
- Colorful and diverse locations loaded with traps, hazards, and collectible lore
Grobo is available now for $3.99 USD on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Visit Hot Chocolate Games’ official Twitter and website for more information about Grobo and the metallic world of Megatropolis.
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