Finally, Riot Games are making some minor changes to the Prologue Road rewards for Legends of Runeterra along with many more updates. New players will be introduced to more cards in early levels, and then receive spendable currency after they’ve got a bit more experience.
- Level 2 reward adjusted (Rare WC + 200 Shards → Epic WC + 200 Shards) and moved to level 9.
- Levels 3-9 rewards bumped up one level each (so they’re now levels 2-8).
Card Update / Fix: The Harrowing
This is a fun one to explain! They had a change to The Harrowing slated for 0.9.4 (next patch), but it accidentally slipped out with 0.9.3 (last patch). Additionally (and as some of you noticed), while the functional change went live, the updated card text to reflect it did not. They very much prefer to bundle balance changes as a whole, but given that we’d shortly be changing the card back anyway, they have decided to just leave the new functionality in place for 0.9.3 and update the card text to match.
Now for the context behind the change: Generally, they don’t want players stealing or utilizing opposing champions. LoR’s champion-centric design and deckbuilding can make it extremely frustrating to have your own champions used against you, and they especially didn’t love that The Harrowing’s old design let players circumvent the usual investment required to get the payoff of a leveled-up Champion. This change brings The Harrowing in line with our general philosophy while focusing it on the Shadow Isles’ core theme of profiting off your own units’ deaths.
- The Harrowing card text updated to reflect that it now only revives allies (rather than any units).
- Old rules text: Revive the 6 Strongest units that died this game and grant them Ephemeral.
- New rules text: Revive the 6 Strongest allies that died this game and grant them Ephemeral.
Card text clarity
As they also mentioned in the State of the Beta article, they view in-game clarity as something of a never-ending task where they can always improve. One consistent point of feedback they have heard during the beta has been the various examples of confusing or misleading card text. The opportunity was clear enough that they have taken a pass on all of our card text, which left them with a batch of changes to some of the worst offenders to more explicitly explain card functionality.
- Rules text on the following cards updated for clarity:
Ancient Yeti | Arena Bookie | Ashe | Blade of Ledros | Commander Ledros | Corina Veraza | Crimson Curator | Dawnspeakers | Draven’s Biggest Fan | Draven’s Whirling Death | Eggnivia | Elise | Eminent Benefactor | Flash of Brilliance | Garen’s Judgment | Garen (level 2) | Health Potion | Heimerdinger’s Progress Day | Iceborn Legacy | Insight of Ages | Iron Harbinger | Jinx (level 2) | Jubilant Poro | Judgment | Karma | Karma’s Insight of Ages | Katarina | Kindly Tavernkeeper | Laurent Chevalier | Legion Marauder | Lonely Poro | Lucian (level 2) | Lux | Minotaur Reckoner | Mistwraith | Noxian Guillotine | Poro Snax | Progress Day | Purify | Rimefang Wolf | Rimetusk Shaman | Ritual of Renewal | Scaled Snapper | Single Combat | Statikk Shock | The Undying | Troop of Elnuks | Trueshot Barrage | Warmother’s Call | Whirling Death | Wyrding Stones | Yasuo (level 2)
Master Tier
When they launched Open Beta, their rating system was locking down high-level MMR way too tightly, way too quickly, resulting in extremely static Master Tier rankings. They made a quick initial change to give the system more freedom to adjust MMR based on game results, but It turns out we went a little too far, and they heard frustration about how punishing losses, in particular, could be. They are tightening things up again (though not to start-of-beta values) to reduce some of the variances.
- Master Tier players should see smaller swings in rank (both up and down) after each game.
Expeditions Archetypes
Shadows and Dust have been having a tough time lately, so we’re adding a card that’s exciting alongside Death Mark and can also buy you more time for your Ephemeral units to slip through the opponent’s defences.
- Added: Darkwater Scourge.
Disruption is in a decent spot, but Zephyr Sage had found its way into five different archetypes and this is the one where it felt least at home.
- Removed: Zephyr Sage.
- Fixed a crash when playing a Burst spell that ends the game (e.g., by drawing from an empty deck).
- Fixed an issue where players could take a never-ending turn if they kept generating and casting Burst spells.
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