Earlier this week, 2K announced the sixth and final DLC for Civilization VI – New Frontier Pass – the Portugal Pack – will be launching on March 25. Today 2k is revealing a First Look at João III of Portugal.
Here is some key information as related to Civilization VI:
João III, called “the Colonizer” or perhaps more kindly the “Pious,” was King of Portugal and the Algarves from 1521 to 1556. João sponsored humanistic approaches to religion and it was also under his reign that the Inquisition finally arrived in Portugal. He often used diplomacy and arranged advantageous marriages, and significantly expanded Portugal’s trade networks.
Portugal’s “Casa Da Índia” unique ability significantly increases the yields of International Trade Routes, but limits those routes to cities on the coast or with a Harbor. This ability also grants Trader units additional range and the ability to embark on water tiles as soon as they’re unlocked.
João’s unique ability is “Porta Do Cerco,” which grants all units increased Sight. It also increases Trade Route capacity whenever Portugal meets a new civ and provides Open Borders with all city-states.
The Nau is a unique naval melee unit that replaces the Caravel. It starts with one free Promotion, requires less maintenance than the Caravel and has two charges to build Feitorias – special shipping ports unique to Portugal.
Portugal has access to two unique structures – Navigation School and Feitoria. The Navigation School replaces the University building and increases Production toward naval units in each city that builds it. It also increases a city’s Science yields for every two coastal or lake tiles within the city’s borders and grants additional Great Admiral Points.
The Feitoria can only be built by a Nau unit on a foreign city’s coastal tile next to a luxury or bonus resource. Sending a Trade Route to a city with a Feitoria provides Portugal with additional Gold and Production.
The sixth and final Civilization VI – New Frontier Pass DLC pack – the Portugal Pack – will launch on Thursday, March 25, 2021. The Portugal Pack is included to owners of the Civilization VI – New Frontier Pass, which is priced at £32.99; the Portugal Pack is available for individual purchase at £3.99. The Portugal Pack requires Civilization VI to play.
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