When you’re a dedicated gamer or esports athlete, it can be tough to balance advancing to the next level with caring for your skin. Since you’re so devoted to the game, you may not have the time to really research and plan out a skincare routine. But sleep deprivation [1] and spending a lot of time in front of your screen [2] skin can cause skin damage and aging. Skincare doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Check out this simple skincare routine that’s efficient and based in science.
Gaming Can Impact Your Skin
In one study, 67% of gamers reported having subpar sleep because of playing video games. [3] On top of that, it’s been shown that looking at a screen before bed can negatively impact your sleep patterns. [4] Even one night of bad sleep can have physical effects and lead to dark circles, paler skin, wrinkles, and swollen eyes. Not only is screen time potentially bad for your health, but gaming devices such as controllers and computer mouses may also have bacteria and grease that can be bad for your skin if you touch your face after a playing session. [5] In addition, the blue light emitted from screens can lead to premature ageing and hyperpigmentation (dark spots on the skin). [6]
How To Keep Up With Your Skincare And Game (Morning Routine)
Take a look at these simple and practical things you can do before you start gaming to ensure your skin keeps on looking and feeling healthy.
- Cleanser
Remember to use a gentle cleanser that won’t be too intense on your skin. After you’re done using the cleanser and washing it off, gently pat your face and dry it off with a towel you change out every 1-2 days.
- Serum
Vitamin C Serum is great for protecting your skin from UV rays. When you’re gaming, you can still be exposed to the sun even if you aren’t outside (these rays can filter through windows)[7]. In addition, serum can protect you from the blue light that emits from screens. [8]
- Moisturizer
Find one that works best for your skin type. If your skin still feels tight or dry after moisturizer, you may want to try one with a thicker consistency.
- Eye Cream
Eye cream can be used to reduce dark circles.
- Sunscreen
Though you will be gaming indoors, you should still wear sunscreen to protect yourself from UV rays. [9] When looking for products, get something that’s at least SPF 30 so you’re truly protected from skin cancer and UV damage. [10]
How To Keep Up With Your Skincare And Game (Nighttime Routine)
As you go about your day, your face accumulates dirt, oils, and residue from any products (such as sunscreen). By doing a nighttime routine, you will be going to bed with cleaner skin and decreasing your chances of getting an acne outbreak.
- Get Rid Of Makeup
If you use makeup, use micellar water, cleanser oil and a balm to get it off.
- Use A Cleanser
- Retinoids and Exfoliants
Consider a topical retinoid such as tretinoin cream to treat and stop acne from happening. It can also help decrease signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines when incorporated into anti-aging products.
- Serum
- Moisturize
- Use Eye Cream
Other Ways You Can Improve Your Skin
Sanitize, Sanitize, Sanitize
Throughout the day, sanitize everything around you on a regular basis — your mouse, keyboard, controllers, and other parts of your gaming station. The less dirt and grease, the better.
Wash Your Hands And Don’t Touch Your Face
After you have food or drinks, wash your hands. On another note, try your best not to touch your face all the time.
Improve Your Daily Routine
Skincare is more than just using the right products, it’s also about embracing the right lifestyle. Don’t eat foods that can trigger acne outbreaks such as snacks and beverages packed with sugar. While you may not have that much time on your hands, try your best to make healthy meals and not eat fast food. [11] Take breaks from the screen by exercising. Blood flow is great for nourishing healthy skin. [12]
Even if you’re super busy, you should always make time for skincare. Healthy skin can help boost your confidence and self-esteem and is tied to other bodily functions. [13] Figure out a daily routine that works for you and through trial and error, you will be on your way to improving your skin.
- [1]https://academic.oup.com/sleep/article/36/9/1355/2453883
- [2]https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/20/style/skin-damage-blue-light-what-is-all-of-that-screen-time-doing-to-your-skin.html
- [3] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/06/160613144656.htm
- [4] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/11/181127111044.htm
- [5] https://bestlifeonline.com/negative-effects-video-games/
- [6] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/20/style/skin-damage-blue-light-what-is-all-of-that-screen-time-doing-to-your-skin.html
- [7] https://www.keckmedicine.org/myth-or-fact-you-dont-need-sunscreen-if-you-are-indoors-all-day/#:~:text=UVB%20rays%2C%20on%20the%20other,linked%20to%20most%20skin%20cancers.&text=So%20even%20if%20you%27re,rays%20and%20possible%20skin%20damage
- [8] https://www.cancer.org/latest-news/choose-the-right-sunscreen.html
- [9] https://www.keckmedicine.org/myth-or-fact-you-dont-need-sunscreen-if-you-are-indoors-all-day/#:~:text=UVB%20rays%2C%20on%20the%20other,linked%20to%20most%20skin%20cancers.&text=So%20even%20if%20you%27re,rays%20and%20possible%20skin%20damage
- [10] https://www.cancer.org/latest-news/choose-the-right-sunscreen.html
- [11] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-that-cause-acne
- [12] https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/acne/features/exercise
- [13] https://theconversation.com/the-skin-is-a-very-important-and-our-largest-organ-what-does-it-do-91515
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