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Adam Ligocki
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Writer, 3D modeller, philosopher and unenthusiastic Polka dancer extraordinaire. When not crafting delicious tales of horror to thrill and enchant, he doffs the cap of a world weary armchair archaeologist searching for the means to awaken The Great Old Ones into this reality. What’s that? Not real you say? The same thing could be said of David Hasselhoff’s Pop career. When the search proves fruitless, he retires deeper into his chair with a packet of snacks to raid. . .

One Piece Odyssey Xbox Series Review

One of the things that have always irked me about anime videogame adaptations is that few of them really take as much advantage of the source material as they could, especially in the Shonen genre. With such a vast library…

Blacktail Xbox Series Review

Blacktail embraces Slavic mythology and its various creatures, to tell the story of Baba Yaga. Set in a fairy tale medieval setting, you take on the role of Yaga, a 16-year-old girl accused of witchcraft who is expelled from her…

Hogwarts Legacy What to Expect

There are less than two months to go till Hogwarts Legacy releases, at least for current-gen systems. Sorry last gen and Switch owners, but you’re going to have to wait a little longer. Now Warner Bros. Games and Avalanche Software…

Amnesia Memories Collection Switch Review

Amnesia: Memories is regarded somewhat as a landmark game in the Otome visual novel genre. Coming out originally for PSP in 2011, its popularity has managed to endure, so much that it’s received multiple releases, sequels and now another release…

Wavetale Review

Strandville may look like an ideal destination spot, but this archipelago of islands, lighthouses and patchwork homes, is built upon the sunken skeleton of an older city, one swallowed up by the waves in a war that decimated two countries…

RWBY: Arrowfell Switch Review

Rooster Teeth’s long-running fantasy CGI series, RWBY (pronounced Ruby), began life way back in 2013 and has since spawned multiple creative projects including more seasons, a jaunt into comic books, manga and, of course, videogames. Set in the world of…

Evil West Xbox Review

There’s something magical about games that come out of the left field, leave you with one impression from trailers and then completely subvert your expectations. This year, that honour goes to Evil West, a pulp-inspired Weird West tale that looked…

OlliOlli World: Finding The Flowzone PlayStation Review

If you thought your time in Radlandia was over, then think again because developer Roll7 has just released the latest expansion for OlliOlli World: Finding The Flowzone. Is it worth grabbing your skateboard and getting your trucks dirty? Let’s find…

Sifu Switch Review

Earlier this year, developer Sloclap Games thrust us into the world of revenge Kung Fu movies with Sifu. Originally released for PS4, PS5 and PC in February, their brutal martial arts epic has now made the jump to Nintendo’s Switch.…

Bayonetta 3 Switch Review

It’s been an eight-year wait for Bayonetta 3. In the world of video games, especially where sequels are concerned, that’s a lifetime and usually has you wondering whether or not the game hasn’t succumbed to delayed sequelitis. So after eight…