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Sean Prideaux
102 Articles0 Comments

Dust 514 Preview

Dust 514 is the EVE Online tie in game that is currently in beta for the PS3. CCP are promising an FPS that, will eventually let the two very different games affect each other in some interesting ways. First and…

Mark of the Ninja Review

Mark of the Ninja is a 2D side scrolling Stealth-em-up developed by Klei Entertainment and published by Microsoft for XBLA. The game is based around staying in the shadows and avoiding combat at any cost; you can partake in combat…

SteelSeries Diablo III Headset Review

The SteelSeries Diablo III Headset is part of last year’s Blizzard tie in gear for your PC. The headset itself is aesthetically designed around Diabalo III and it definitely looks the part but is it the top tier loot it…

Natural Selection 2 Preview

Asymmetry. Not a word often used when describing First person shooters. Unknown Worlds’, Natural Selection 2 however is based around the notion of two very distinctly, different teams fighting one another. The Marines versus the Aliens; both have their own…

Dust: An Elysian Tail Review

Dust: An Elysian Tale is an Action RPG developed by Humble Hearts (a one man team) and published by Microsoft for XBLA. The game features a stunning Disney-like art style and is full of pop culture references and has some…

Deadlight Review

Deadlight is a 2.5D cinematic platformer set in a 1980’s Seattle, during a Zombie Apocalypse. The game is developed by Tequila Works and published by Microsoft for XBLA. While the game focuses on platforming there are some survival horror elements…

Planet Crashers Review

Planet Crashers is a turn based RPG developed by Renegade Kid and published by UTV Ignition Games for the 3DS eShop. The game is very much marketed more towards kids than adults and it keeps most of what it does…

Men of War: Condemned Heroes Review

While the game itself shares many aspects from Company of Heroes it also has a lot in common with the Commandos titles. The game focuses on the Eastern Front and the Russian Penal Battalions; hence Condemned Heroes. Historically speaking the…

Wreckateer Review

The game is quite aptly compared to a 3D “Angry Birds”, however it is also much more than that. The games premise finds you working for the Wreck and Tinker Company; a company whose job entails the destruction of structures…

Dungeon Fighter Live: Fall of Hendon Myre Review

Dungeon Fighter Live: Fall of Hendon Myre is a sidescrolling brawler RPG developed by Nexon, Neople and Softmax, and published by Microsoft for XBLA. The game is based on Dungeon Fighter Online and takes many elements from it. The game…