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Joshua Maddox
103 Articles0 Comments

Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Complete Edition Review

This game needs no introduction; it’s possibly the best button smashing, beat ‘em up game ever made and it’s making its first venture onto Next Gen. Xtreme Legends won’t be completely new to those who’ve played Dynasty Warriors 8 on…

Kinect Sports Rivals Review

The Kinect has had its critics in the past; PlayStation fans would say it is nothing more than a glorified eye toy; others that it has no need to even exist with few decent games to buy that make full…

Hatsune Miku Project Diva f Review

SEGA are a company known for making some great games. Sure in recent time’s games like Sonic haven’t been as great as they once were, but due to a loyal fan base and people clinging on to the hope games…

Infamous: Second Son Review

Having had exclusive launch titles that fell far below the quality of those released on the XBOX One, the PS4’s reputation as being “for the players” was in many people’s minds put into doubt. That’s not to say the games…

Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare Review

Pop Cap seem to be a company that can’t do any wrong when it comes to making popular combinations for the casual gamer. I grew up playing the likes of Book Worm and Insaniquarium (which could be used to make…

Thief Review

Thief has had a lot of stick since its release. The build up to the game had it being hyped up as one of the best releases this year, and there was even more hype when GAME stores across the…

Rayman Legends: Next Generation Review

Rayman is the first game that I ever played when I got my Playstation. I remember thinking how the graphics were revolutionary at the time and the mass enjoyment I got swinging Rayman’s fist around punching plumbs off their vines…

Strider Review

Sometimes you will have a bad day at school, work or whatever it is you do with your day. You then go back to your consoles and your PCs to release any stress by blowing things up, unleashing immense speed…

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Review

I still remember the very first Tomb Raider game that I played on my PlayStation; I couldn’t get enough of it. It was one of the most advanced games of its time back then and it still provides fans with…

Titanfall Beta Preview

There I was in my Titan; I was the lone survivor from my team, it was now three against one and all hope seemed lost. Now, it was all about how I organised myself. I began to slowly move around…