Benjamin GuY | Invision Game Community
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Benjamin GuY
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An enthusiastic performer and musician, after finishing his degree in Drama Benjamin went on to complete a PGCE and is a qualified primary school teacher. He has been a gamer all his life, first taking up the hobby when his doctor prescribed him a Game Boy to help him control his ADHD. Ever since, he’s preferred his entertainment interactive; enjoying thought-provoking narratives and emergent gameplay. Benjamin has been writing for Invision Community since his degree days, and whilst he prefers Switch gaming he also enjoys experiences on his PS4 and PC. During his time at Invision he has reviewed a large number of games and peripherals, attended 2021's digital E3 conference and served as a judge in the 2022 Crunchyroll Anime Awards.

Beyond GalaxyLand Review

Beyond GalaxyLand is a game that many AAA developers have shifted away from making, being turn-based RPGs, a genre I have been a sucker for. Don’t get me wrong; I understand why they’re very rarely made in the modern era;…

Trails of Cold Steel 3 & 4 PS5 Review

Its been some time since Trails of Cold Steel 3 & 4 was launched on other platforms but now its time for Playstation fans to dive in and play, check out my review and find out what i thoight of…

Neptunia Sisters VS Sisters Switch Review

Prepare yourselves for the ultimate showdown as Compile Heart proudly presents the highly anticipated game: Neptunia Sisters VS Sisters on the Nintendo Switch! The games industry, at large, is problematic at best. There are dozens of criticisms which could be…

Disgaea 7 Vows of the Virtueless Review

I like Disgaea and the new title Disgaea 7 Vows of the Virtueless. It’s a unique series, to say the least; mixing tactical SRPG elements with a comedic storyline and some arguably ridiculous mechanics. In what other SRPG can you…

Fairy Fencer F Refrain Chord Switch Review – A laid-back tactical experience

Compile Heart has been one of my favourite game developers of recent years – there’s no denying it and they have released Fairy Fencer F Refrain Chord. Whilst you could never call their games genre-defining or revolutionary, they represent a…

Smile for Me Switch Review – Unique And Great

It feels a little like we’re seeing an adventure game flood on Switch lately. It only feels like yesterday that the new Monkey Island was released, and with Lucy Dreaming and The Blind Prophet releasing recently it’s a good time…

Hi-Fi Rush Review

I love stealth drops. There’s a certain rare joy to be had from watching a AAA gaming presentation, being shown something brand new and then immediately being able to play it. On January 25th, Hi-Fi Rush was revealed and released…

Lucy Dreaming Switch Review

Adventure games have always had a special place in my heart – with Monkey Island and King’s Quest being the first series I really fell in love with. However, whilst Sierra and LucasArts adventures are often held up as the…

Fire Emblem Engage Review

Fire Emblem Three Houses was an unmitigated success. Released in 2019, it saw success in the west unlike that of any other game in the series and generated a whole new fanbase for Nintendo’s flagship Tactical RPG franchise. Until then, Fire Emblem had…

SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake Review

Spongebob isn’t everyone’s cup of tea; hell, he isn’t really mine! From the obnoxious laugh and the puerile behaviour to his sheer ignorance at his boss’ capitalistic gluttony, for a long time I avoided the character and series completely. In…