To be fair, if I have to judge by everything that happened during the two games and the only 2 important events that didn’t really get screen time, the contents of this episode were very predictable. That, however, does not…
Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 4 Review
You know, with the way things are turning out to be – Batman: The Enemy Within, might just make it as the best Telltale game, in terms of execution. Now I’m not going to lie, when I say that the…
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Season Finale Review
Honestly … this game, man. I’m really trying hard to like it, but… Okay, remember in the review of episode 1 (I believe it was there), I said that Life is Strange: Before the Storm and actually scratch that ……
Okami HD Review…engaging, immersive, dynamic, unique
Where do I even begin… Okami has always had a special place in my heart and I remember vividly the first time I started playing this game. It was in second year of university I believe and I got so…
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series Season Finale Review
Oh wow… Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy has definitely been one heck of a rollercoaster for me and I know I’ve had my ups and downs with this series, however ultimately as a whole experience, I like where it stands.…
Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 3 Review
I can definitely say that the direction Batman: The Enemy Within is going is 100% spot on. If I have to be honest, I didn’t find the first season of Batman that interesting. Yeah it was good, had its ups…
Life is Strange: Before the Storm- – Episode 2 Review
Okay, so in comparison to the lower score I gave on episode 1 from this series, I have to say, episode 2 managed to impress me a lot more than the opening of the season, and while it was a…
Guardians of the Galaxy Episode 4 Review
And here I was, saying that Guardians episodes come slower than usual Telltale games and Telltale was like “ok then, here, have another one” … mind you I am definitely not complaining though. However, that leaves me sad that there…
Batman: Enemy Within – Episode 2 Review
Boy and I thought episode 1 was a strong start, talk about an even more solid follow-up. Welcome to the Batman – The Enemy Within Episode 2 Review and allow me to tell you now why, if you have not…
Life is Strange: Before the Storm – Episode 1 Review
This franchise is sending me mixed signals … it’s like, I enjoy the game, but some things piss me off in the process. And then I question why I can’t have more freedom to do what I want. You know…
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