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Phil Dean
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Howdy! 24 years old, graduated from Sunderland University in 2011 with a degree in TV and Radio Production, and to get it I just had to present and produce radio shows and write scripts. I did really well, I went to New York to pick up a swanky international award, but still I'm trapped in my hometown yet to start my career, but it's not all bad really, I'm getting married in the near future so that's pretty awesome :) Working at the moment as a kid's activity and sport coach at a top Gym & Spa complex. As well as having a great joy in playing video games, I am also a huge wrestling nut, even went to New Orleans for Wrestlemania 30, I even bumped into Rob Van Dam and Hacksaw Jim Duggen on Bourbon Street coming out of a Gentleman's Club together, what a weekend! Also if anyone lives in the North West, make sure you head to Preston once a month, PCW is the greatest wrestling promotion in the UK! Finally, I'm an aspiring children's author! Currently I have penned 12 original poems and 3 original stories and I hope to have the first of many books published soon, watch this space! Favourite game of all time: Dragon Quest VIII - Journey Of The Cursed King (PS2, 2006)

CMStorm Pitch Pro Gaming Earphones Review

I find the idea of communicating with people whilst playing online stupid.  The same applies to the idea of wearing a ridiculously large pair of expensive, uncomfortable, plastic ear muffs also whilst playing; I’m also a very antisocial cynic which…

Forced Showdown Review

Not being a regular PC gamer, I love to pick up interesting titles that I can’t otherwise play on my PS4.  Diving into a deep & twisted RPG is my favourite past time, but there are plenty to keep me…

Mortal Kombat XL Review

If there’s a game coming out soon that you’re really excited for, don’t buy it, as chances are it’ll soon be half the price and contain more content.  I’m of course referring to the new trend in shelf cloggers, you’ll…

Wanderjah Review

Upon equipping myself with a powerful laptop for a spot of PC gaming, I was told that Steam has plenty on offer and plenty worth checking out for a reasonable price.  I was also warned there was a huge amount…

Ishi-Sengoku-den Sadame Review

Usually when a ‘popular Japanese action game’ is available to review, going by past experiences I almost know what to expect.  Within the past 12 months, all of these ‘popular Japanese action games’ have involved at least 2 of the…

Agatha Christie’s The ABC Murders Review

As I’ve gotten older I’ve found that I’m getting worse at playing video games.  Not all of them mind, the games I’m referring to are these high octane, action packed, explosive first person shooters.  I just don’t have the patience…

Saturday Morning RPG Review

If only my parents had gotten drunk and silly a little earlier, I would have been an 80s child.  It’s no issue being born in 1990, I had a tremendous childhood and the TV, movies and music of that time…

Etrian Odyssey Untold 2: The Fafnir Knight Review

Starting a new job is tough.  You’re meeting new people, working in a new environment, abiding new rules, but perhaps the thing that made me most anxious last week was what I was going to do with my 45-minute commute. …

Mordheim: City of the Damned Review

Before you ask, no this hasn’t been released on PS4, I Phil Dean am actually reviewing a PC title.  Huzzah!! Thanks to a delightful contribution from lil Saint Nick and an easy to reach credit card, I can now explore…

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Review (Xbox One & PS4)

If you’re familiar with my articles, you’ll know I’m not one for online gaming or the culture that comes with it. What I mean by that is that my favourite past time, a hobby I’ve had from a very young…