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Thomas Lashbrook
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Studying BSc Psychology at University of South Wales. Primarily a musician with a love of all things audio technology and audio production gaming is my escape into hopefully beautiful worlds full of wonderful experiences and phenomenal soundtracks. I review with an unbiased ‘try anything once’ mentality and love to find wonderful little indie games or audio technology and will pull any game apart with no discrimination. In general my preferred games are story-driven open world adventures of any kind though I will play anything if I find fun in it. You can contact me at

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life Review

No game series has ever really dragged me in as quickly as Yakuza has. From playing Yakuza Zero in 2016 and following it with the remake of the original Yakuza Kiwami, buying Yakuza 3 and the zombie spin-off Yakuza: Dead…

Finishing Thoughts: Metal Gear Survive

Welcome to Finishing Thoughts, hopefully a continuing series where I look back at controversial, bad or even hopefully good games and pen out my thoughts to them. Wanna play a game without playing one? I’m here for you. Want to…

Logitech G610 Orion Brown Keyboard Review

Everyone I know wants fancy keyboards. It’s infuriating. They ogle and drool over their sharply shaped Razer Keyboards and admire the ridiculous metal monstrosities from Corsair. Maybe it’s because I grew up with basic Dell keyboards, but I just want…

Logitech G403 Prodigy Mouse Review

Homogeneity in a Prodigy. Three-button scroll wheels; number pads, multiple finger rests. Computer mice can now cover all the functions of your keyboard, and gaming mice are as common as real mice. But worry not, Logitech gives you the G403…

Vostok Inc. Review – Nintendo Switch

It’s as if money is everything. is back on the all new Nintendo Switch, the play anywhere, anytime with anyone gaming system. Many games make collecting money its sole goal. You probably have a phone, and as such have…

The Pillars of the Earth Volume 2 Review

The first volume of The Pillars of the Earth was an interesting experience. I enjoyed it for sure: The story was dripping with intrigue, death and sorrow; but by sweet heavens the game was slow. I noted that the slow…

Chaos on Deponia Review – An all-round good experience

I’ll be honest now. Daedelic is slowly becoming one of my favourite publishers. A quick look through my library later I find I have at least five games I can instantly spot which Daedelic has made. All beautifully crafted and…

Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle Review

Bullet bloody hell. Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle feels like it tries to be too many things and fails at most of them. Normally I would start this with a little soliloquy about fighting games or bullet hell games but…

Furi Review

Furi is a game all about style. Graphically and mechanically this bullet-hell meets twin-stick shooter oozes style out of every pore. With Afro Samurai creator Takeshi Okazaki the game is a mix of homage from a number of games. A…

Spintires: Mudrunner Review

Mud and Thunder. I played Spintires many moons ago back in a very early beta version. I found a locked truck, got it stuck on the way back, got another truck to rescue it and quit out when the game…