It is truly amazing how popular Fortnite Battle Royale has become. It is one of those stories that we are all going to talk about years from now. A story about how a game that started out as a wave-based…
Capital Wasteland is… Wasted
Some readers will already have heard the sad news that Capital Wasteland, the Fallout 4 mod, looks like it’s not going to be completed after all because of “voice issues”. If you weren’t aware of the project then it was…
Why should we care: Achievements and Trophies
As long as there have been games, there has been challenges, achievements and tasks that you wouldn’t normally do within a normal playthrough. Completing the original Mario without ever dying, rushing through Sonic in the fastest time, collecting all the…
The Problem with Zelda: Breath of the Wild
I’m gonna start this article with a preface. And I’m also gonna preface that preface with this preface because it needs to be said and also because you need to check your Semantic Satiation privilege. You lot need to chill.…
Invision Game Community Partners up with PAAStreaming
Its been around 5 years now since we started this venture, maybe a little longer. Invision started as a guild in World of Warcraft back in 2010 – 2011, it had a forum and a lot of activity from its guild…
PlayStation 5 in 2020 … Trust me!
Of course there is always going to be the “he said, she said” rumours that go around the internet about console wars and who has the best games and who is going to come out with the next best thing.…
Far Cry 5 Will Make or Break this Series
Have you ever been so nervous for a game because you loved most of the previous iterations in the series but the latest one just didn’t do it for you? Far Cry 5 is that game for me. As much…
Could Sony be Ready to Reveal a successor to the PS VITA?
IT’S OFFICIAL! The Nintendo Switch is one-year old and with that, is Sony planning to take back its crown as the superior device developer (specs-wise of course!) for the handheld market? Sure there’s a lot of buzz that got shot…
A Guide to PC Gaming Accessories
AccessorieYou’ve built your dream gaming machine, stuffed it full with twin GTX 1080 Tis and an obscene 32GB of DDR4 RAM, but you’re using an old roller mouse from the 90’s, a keyboard with the switches exposed and a pair…
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