Feature | Invision Game Community


How Over Why – The Story of the Modern Game

When people thought about buying a game in the past, it would have needed a good story behind it for them to choose to part with their, or as is more likely their parents, hard earned cash. It was all…

Time: The Enemy and Friend of the Industry

These days it seems like some of the games that come out with a lot of hype and excitement about them simply aren’t that good. You only need to look at titles such as Duke Nukem, one of the modern…

That Game!

For the last 16 years of my life I’ve been playing games and wow haven’t games changed? I remember it like it was yesterday, sitting there playing my Game Boy Colour on the couch and even the first day I…

Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters (Season 3)

Transformers Prime has released its trailer for Season 3 showing fans what to expect from the new series. With the last season ending on a very shocking ending fans of the show are looking forward to the season to finally…

Hyrule Historia – Article

For many years fans of the Legend of Zelda series have tried to work out a timeline for the series, to see which games come before and after each other in the overall legend. This has been a hard and…

5 Things I’d like to see in 2013

It’s a new year and now we can look back at 2012 and see how things went. There was never a games drought (as long as you had access to a PC capable of running Steam), THQ filed for bankruptcy,…

7 things I want from the New Xbox

With all this talk of the inevitable new Xbox just around the corner, speculation of hardware, aesthetics and software is swirling around the gamersphere. However, I’m not as bothered about the rumours as I am about how the console will…


WHAT’S IN A BOX? Boxes – funny old things, aren’t they? You’d be understood in thinking that boxes, cases, and containers are becoming redundant as more game services move over to digital cloud platforms – to some, especially PC gamers,…

Invision Game Community Awards 2012

BEST MAN IN GAMING: MARKUS PERSSON Love him or hate him, Markus Persson (AKA Notch) is a major figure in the indie market and Minecraft’s 360 version released this year earned more awards than Mojang has staff. The skin packs…

MCM 2011

All Images from Amy Johnson, Written By Ian Beeken London’s Comic Con, also known as MCM (Manga, Comic and Media) Expo, which is held over 3 days at the ExCel Centre in London’s south-east during the May bank holiday weekend…