Interview | Invision Game Community


Interview with Sunghoo Park Director of The God of High School

IGC – Invision Game Community is proud to present fans of ours and fans of The God of High School an interview with the director of the anime Sunghoo Park. The God of High School is available on Crunchyroll so…

Legends of Runeterra Exclusive Q&A with Shaun “Unconkable” Rivera

Riot Games have recently pushed out Legends of Runeterra into its early testing phase, we got to check out the game at EGX 2019 in London. Legends of Runeterra (abbreviated LoR) is an upcoming free-to-play online digital collectable card game. In this EXCLUSIVE interview, we…

Interview with Jeff Lewis game director of Switchblade

Switchblade has been out in the wild for some time now, in early access on Steam, and we thought it would be a good time to get some more questions answered around the game, so we reached out and had…

An Interview with David Kelly – The UK Forza Motorsport Master

David ‘Daveyskills’ Kelly is a two time Forza Motorsport World Champion. David, who is from Liverpool in the United Kingdom has won $76,500 in total prize money so far in his video gaming career. Despite having accumulated the majority of…

Interview with Philipp Reichling about creating characters for games

Hello Philipp before we move to the Q&A please tell us about yourself, please; My Name Is Phil and I am 30 and from Germany. I grew up In South and live now In North Germany. As long as I…

Interview with Simon Read Creator of New Star Manager

With the launch of New Star Manager on PC which also recently won a BAFTA Games Award for Sports, we thought we should reach out and do an interview with the developer behind the game, about the game and his…

Exclusive Interview with Larian Studios Kieron Kelly and Edouard

With Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition just around the corner coming from Bandai Namco and Larian Studios, we thought it would be great to ask Larian Studios a few pondering questions, including a possible secret Harry Potter type room,…

What can we learn about software security from the video game industry?

Larry Trowell, Principal Security Consultant at Synopsys The video game market is a $100+ billion industry. Some of the most complex software developed today is for video games, using clients, servers, web components, monetary transfers, social interactions, and virtual markets—with…

Interview with Cubical Drift Developers of Planets 3

For information about Plants 3 hit up our news page here Well to get started, please introduce yourself? We are a small team. The co-founders of the company are 3 old friends that meet themselves in their engineer school 13…

Interview with Tiny Rebel Games – Developers of Doctor Who: Legacy

Well to get started, please introduce yourself? Hello my Name is Lee Cummings, and my Name is Susan Cummings, Nice to meet you What made you want to get into the gaming industry? Is it always something you’ve wanted to…