Previews | Invision Game Community


Rugby Challenge 2: The Lions Tour Edition Preview

“Crouch, Touch, Set!” – A Preview of Rugby Challenge 2: The Lions Tour Edition On Tuesday, I was invited to go to London for a preview session of the new Rugby Challenge game. Following the success of the first release…

Leisure Suit Larry Preview

In 1987, Al Lowe, in collaboration with other point-and-click legends Ken Williams and Mark Crowe, released Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards under Sierra On-Line. The story of a middle-aged virgin desperately searching for sexual fulfilment…

Rising Storm Preview

Red Orchestra is a strange game; which fits into an odd niche of gaming. It fits in-between those who like EA’s Battlefield games, but want something more serious and realistic, though they don’t want to go the whole way to…

The Night of the Rabbit Preview

Jesus christ, Daedalic really push out the stylised 2D adventure games like theyres going out of fashion, and good job. Their latest upcoming release, The Night of the Rabbit, is again a point and click adventure game due for release…

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Preview

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is an action role-playing game which will take you on adventure that portrays the infamous hunter in a different light to the traditional dark, mysterious, monster-slaying stories in which he usually features. The idea…

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Preview

It seems that I’ve been seeing Ubisoft a fair bit this last month! After visiting Ubisoft to talk about The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot I went to get a hands on with their new addition to the Call of…

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot Preview

On the 26th March I was taken to Paris to get hands on with The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot, a new free to play created by Ubisoft Montreal. The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot is a castle defence/dungeon (or…

Humans Must Answer Preview

After the close of GSC I finally stopped wearing black as I mourned S.T.A.L.K.E.R  2’s cancellation, I started looking for more information. Yes Survarium is the spiritual successor and will no doubt have me wearing my balaclava sipping some vodka.…

Company of Heroes 2 Preview

RTS’s always attract some of the most skilled people able to think of complex stratagems when confronted by different problems and able to react in kind, then theirs me, just casually throwing a large amount of troops in the general…

Fathom Preview

These depths are NOT a place for the simple minded… Fathom is a 2.5D underwater adventure game which takes place in a puzzle-filled steam-punk world. Circling around the myths of Atlantis, the player is faced with the task of navigating…