DIGIMON WORLD: NEXT ORDER is a monster-collecting RPG in which the Digital World has been put under complete chaos. Players embody a Digidestined who, after the spread of a virus turning Digimon into Machinedramon, has to stop the infection from destroying the world.
Along two Digimon companions, players can find and recruit among over 200 Digimon that they will have to feed, train, and form a bond with, for them to Digivolve. The game offers a balanced experienced with training, exploring, managing and fighting. The town of Floatia serves as a hub developed by the players in which Digimon can become town residents. Players can upgrade buildings, grow crops and develop the city into a sprawling metropolis.
The release of DIGIMON WORLD: NEXT ORDER on Nintendo Switch and on PC offers players two additional features. Newcomers can now pick the “Beginner Mode” to experience the adventure with a lower level of difficulty, and Digidestined now have the ability to run, making the player’s exploration smoother, especially on large field maps.
For more information on DIGIMON WORLD: NEXT ORDER visit the official page.
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