Back in 2014 Goat Simulator came out and the era of trash simulator games was born.
The game broke rules we considered sacred to games. Bugs? That’s just part of the experience unless they break the game. The game was not a monumental breakthrough in any genre though and I found it a rather small and mediocre experience. Nothing special at all.
And now I have the bundle to review. This is not some leap forward in graphical quality. This is not some huge overhaul. This is the game with two of its DLC: GoatZ and MMO Simulator.
So at this point you must be wondering if this is worth it? Goat Simulator came out in 2015 for the consoles. Why should I buy this? Well the utilitarian reason is that it is cheaper than buying the two parts separately.
But if you liked Goat Simulator but for some reason do not own it on Xbox One, then you are the only market for this game. The extra game modes, especially the MMO Simulator adds a huge amount of content into the game. With 4 player co-op as well this game can definitely be put into the party game pile for whenever you just have an urge to be a goat.
So bulk of Goat Sim, in case you have never played the game, is running around as a goat. You are given two maps in the base game to run around in beating yourself and other people up to earn points. Exploration is still the mainstay and hunting around can find you things as mad as a goat fighting ring and aliens. The MMO simulator is the biggest expansion, giving you 4 classes to choose from to explore a whole new map. Its possible most of your time will be spent in this one, with 101 quests to complete. GoatZ is a somewhat ignorable part of the experience. You play as a zombie goat and the whole experience is a micky-take of the various zombie survival games. You have crafting and food mechanics but the whole experience is poorly built and traumatic to play; with a game like this it’s hard to tell if it’s deliberate or not.
But then after a time it’s the exact Goat Simulator you may have had before. Every little nuance which annoyed you will annoy you again. Every little trauma you had in the original is still there. Don’t be confused by this new release; it’s the exact same game you’ve had before. Everything which could be said about the game has already been said, and repackaging the whole game as a singular experience is nothing more than an attempt to cash in on an experience which you can already get for the same cost.
I sort of hoped that this game was dead in the water. Something I would only see in Steam sales and the occasional glance at my uninstalled games list. But for some mad reason this needed to be resold. While I only compare on the US store you are saving a total of $0.99 buying the bundle over the game separately; and the only market would be Xbox One owners who do not own any version of the game. Was this a market which required tapping? Was this such a vein of waiting money that you just had to do this? This isn’t even the whole Goat Simulator ‘experience’ if that word can even be used. PC owners get the MMO Simulator free as well as the extra PAYDAY content available to buy.
If I wipe my head of all Goat simulator knowledge and launch in blind this is quite a cool little experience. The gameplay is somewhat fun, especially with co-op mode and the content is rather aplenty. But this game does not exist in a vacuum. This game exists a month from the 4 year mark of its original release and is a moot copy of the game that any sensible person will not be buying.
So here’s how this review ends. This is cheaper than buying the parts separate by pennies and that is all the praise it can get. So I shall link the review of the original Goat Simulator here ( If you, for some reason, have never played Goat Simulator then peruse this review and make the best choice for yourself. If you like it, go for it. But for a cheap attempt at making more money this game gets a 3/10.
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