For the first time globally, the Hearthstone Tavern is celebrating Lunar New Year! Over the next few weeks the Tavern will play host to a giveaway, celebratory emotes, a limited-time bundle, and special quests with even more special rewards.
Week One
The celebration kicks off today with the Lunar New Year Bundle, which contains 10 packs each from The Witchwood, The Boomsday Project, and Rastakhan’s Rumble for a total of 30 packs for £16.99! The bundle is available now until the event concludes on Wednesday, February 13th at 6pm GMT.
Week Two
Beginning Tuesday, February 5 in the evening, the in-game event kicks off in earnest with beefed up quests that grant gold and dust when completed, a free Golden Fireworks Tech just for logging in, and explosive New Year emotes.