Be honest- there are not many people who consider playing video games all day to be productive or fulfilling. Even more, when someone mentions having “a career in playing those dumb video games” as my aunt Sandra calls it, no one believes that it will amount to much of a lifelong job.
This is far from the truth. Imagine a career where you can dive into a new and unveiled virtual world, playing while you are looking for any bugs or mistakes in the system. Seems cool, right? This is what Game Testers do, and many people do not understand how important this career is. Below, you will find some myths that need to be disqualified about the career that helps people have fun.
1. Big Bucks Are Guaranteed
When people find out what game testers do, they automatically assume that there is major money to be made. Though this can be true later, when a game tester begins, it will be rare to see them at a car lot a month later buying a Ferrari. Most of these jobs are beginner-level and will not pay much more than master level teachers.
2. All Thumb Work, No Brain Work
If you have played video games in any capacity, you understand that it can be more strategy and quick thinking instead of fast reflexes. This is also true for those who test the games we have came to know and love.
“There are various things that game testers must do so that their job will go smoothly. Whether that be multiple reruns of the same level or trying out new ways to save Princess Peach, it takes more than two brain cells and a muscle in the thumb to test a video game” says Tom Meyson, a tech blogger at Revieweal and Academized.
3. A Camaraderie Does Not Exist Between Game Developers and Game Testers
It is especially important for game testers and game developers to have a healthy and open relationship. In careers like these, communication is key. One cannot thrive without the other!
4. Testers Are Not Glorified
Think about plays: actors in a play do get much of the applause and celebration, but the performance could never have happened without the directors and producers.
Likewise, this holds true to game testers. Sure, people may not always see what they do or even understand their job to its full extent, but that does not lessen the value of their work.
5. Game Testing Is “Fun And Games”
Truth be told, it’s all “game”, and only sometimes fun. This career is exactly that- a career- and with all careers comes the things that are not so fun. There are frustrations, confusing problems, and overall dislike for a game itself. Of course, it may have fun moments, but it is important to remember that it is not always that way.
6. Finding Jobs Is Simple
The job searching process is not as easy as most people think. It takes more than experience in Super Mario Brothers and Pac-Man to be considered for a video game tester job. “A degree from college, previous knowledge from other related fields, and the ambition to improve and move forward are only a few of the things needed to have a potentially successful career” comments Donald Leen, a recruiter at Via Writing and Academ Advisor.
7. Human Testers Will Soon Lose Their Job
Technology is great, and if you are interested in this field in the slightest, you realized this early on. Despite the many perks of technology, you also understand that the only people who will use your product are humans- therefore, humans need to have the final say in how a game is formatted. Plus, even though technology is mostly proficient, there will almost always be mistakes that could be caught with human eyes.
All in all, no matter what you have heard about becoming a game tester, it is important that you are able to distinguish truth from fact. In today’s society, game testing can often be looked down upon and discouraged for a variety of reasons Though there are pros and cons to all jobs, if you are interested in testing video games, do not take those negative comments to heart; You should go for it.
Kristin Herman is a writer and editor at Best essay services and Write my essay. She is also a contributing writer for online publications, such as Dissertation writing service. As a marketing writer, she writes about the latest trends in marketing and social media. In her spare time, she likes to code and read.
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