Horror meets multiplayer chaos as Dead by Daylight celebrates the legacy of legendary horror manga artist Junji Ito. Renowned for his chilling, mind-bending art, Ito has been etching nightmares into fans’ minds for nearly four decades. Now, with the release of the Junji Ito Collection on January 7th, survivors and killers alike can embody the spine-tingling essence of his iconic characters.
The collection introduces 8 Outfits inspired by some of Ito’s most unforgettable creations, blending his unique horror style with Dead by Daylight’s intense gameplay. This collaboration not only offers Ito’s long-time fans a fresh way to connect with his art but also introduces his chilling universe to a new audience.
Prepare to embrace the uncanny and stand among horror’s elite as Junji Ito’s twisted imagination joins the Dead by Daylight pantheon.
Dead by Daylight Junji Ito Trailer
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