Shadow Seven is a unique tactical strategy mobile game developed by Neptune. Set in a world struck by evil and chaos, Shadow Seven follows the story of the Moonlight Mercenaries who have sworn to bring back peace and protect the world from the Demon Duchess’ destruction.
Game Features
- Unique Strategy Game Design – Control different units and activate game-changing cards to defeat the enemy Captain! Collect Character pieces and Spell pieces to make your army of mercenaries stronger!
- Story Mode & Real-Time PvP Mode – Follow the Moonlight Mercenaries in single-player Story mode, challenge another player in PvP Duel mode, or test your skills in PvE Boss mode.
- Anime-style Graphics – Be amazed by the anime-style graphics of the Moonlight Mercenaries who were also voiced by famous Japanese voice actors.
Google Play Store:
iOS App Store:
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