Have a watch of what was said, then below the video is the overview.
- Endorsements — When a player finishes a match, they can give (and receive) Endorsements for other players based on their positive behavior in the game.
- Types of Endorsements include Good Teammate, Shotcaller, and Good Sportsmanship.
- Every Endorsement a player receives goes toward progressing their Endorsement Level (EL); players also receive +50xp toward their overall level for each Endorsement given to another player.
- At any time during a two-week interval, players can be rewarded based on their current EL.
- Looking For Group — Players can form their own in-game groups, choose roles and team compositions, make restrictions based on Endorsement Levels, and merge with other groups.
- Private Profiles — Player profiles now have the option to be set to Private, Friends-Only, or Public.
- Horizon Re-Work — Horizon is receiving level design changes to help balance the map.
- Symmetra Re-Work — Symmetra is receiving updates to her primary fire, secondary fire, both of her abilities, and a new Ultimate Ability.
- Damage Role — Defense and Offense roles are now replaced by the Damage role.