The security of a mobile app is important for both developers and their customers. The security of the code and user confidential data speaks about the reliability of the product and serves as a guarantee for users that they can safely interact with any functions or tools and not worry about the safety of the data.
To check these points, any mobile app must go through a vulnerability check procedure (penetration testing). It is carried out in compliance with clearly defined rules and methods, as well as with the obligatory use of specialized software.
What is Pentest?
IOS and Android pentesting services, first of all, check the reliability of data storage, since this very moment in any mobile product is critical. Too much personal information is stored on our phones: billing information, directions, media, work, and personal chats. All this should be hidden from outsiders, and a new product that a user downloads to their smartphone should not jeopardize all this data.
Android and iOS natively give developers the ability to securely store data. But the applications themselves use the backend API, and it is very important to carefully check how data storage is organized at this stage, the security of network communication, and cryptographic encryption. During the creation of a new mobile application, it is very easy to make minor and subtle mistakes that will ultimately cost the security of the application. That is why, before releasing a product to the market or before handing it over to a customer, the application is tested for the possibility of gaining unauthorized access to the data from the outside.
What Exactly is Tested?
A pentester manually or using frameworks checks releases and, on the basis of this, is guided by how the application is arranged, what databases it uses, and other important information for analysis.
Penetration testing is actually a safe hacker attack on a single product. Its purpose is to detect any critical points that threaten privacy and security while using the product. Web applications are checked according to the same principle, Ethereum smart contract audit also follows a similar scenario.
Benefits of App Testing in
The service categorically finds all critical places. The infrastructure of the product is not violated, all vulnerabilities are summarized in a separate file, sorted by criticality and importance of comments and provided with clear recommendations and advice on how to fix everything, and why it is so important to do it.
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