Secret Neighbor is a Multiplayer Social Horror Game where you and up to five other players must rescue their friend from the Neighbor’s creepy basement. The only problem is one member of your group is the Neighbor in disguise. But you probably all know that by now, so what’s new? Well I’ll tell you!
Secret Neighbor is now officially available on the Microsoft Store for both Xbox and PC as part of Xbox Game Pass!
Tinybuild has announced that Xbox and MS Store PC versions now have cross-play and cross-progression functionality, including purchases!
In addition, Xbox has received an update to Xbox-MS PC (, this includes:
- New daily quests
- New skins and cosmetics
- Shop revamp + new Arcade Coupon Currency
- New Brawl modes – Prop Hunt, Rifle TvT Match, & Slingshot Wars
- And more!
Your group has one goal – sneak around the house, collecting the keys in order to unlock the basement door. The only problem is – one of you is the Neighbor, a traitor in disguise!
Cooperate with your teammates, stay together or tactically split up, use your perks and abilities, and drop those basement door locks one by one.
Stop the intruders! Use your disguise to gain their trust, set up traps, and dispose of those pesky intruders one by one. Convince your friends someone else is the Neighbor and let the witch hunt begin. Your secret must remain safe!
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