TimeGate Studios is a video game developer based out of Sugar Land, Texas.The company was founded in 1998 and has produced 9 titles to this date which include the “F.E.A.R. series, AXIS & ALLIES and the KOHAN series”.Timegates initial first-person shooter was released in October 2006 under the name of F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, an expansion pack for the original F.E.A.R also known as “First Encounter Assault Recon”.F.E.A.R. Extraction Point was named “Best Expansion Pack of 2006” by PC Gamer and “Best Audio of 2006” by Voodoo Extreme. TimeGate Studios wasted no time releasing the F.E.A.R. series on PC in 2007 with the release of F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate and F.E.A.R. Files, a combination of both expansion packs, for the Xbox 360.
Timegate released the original Section 8 in 2009 and now their highly anticipated sequel called Section 8: Prejudice in 2011.Section 8: Prejudice is a first person shooter that has been rated TEEN with Blood, Language, and Violence.It is also available on all three methods of gameplay: windows PC, xbox 360 and ps3.The price for the PC version is only $14.99 which is a phenomenal price compared to other new releases going for $60.
When you begin playing the game you are taken through the various training programs to get accustomed to all the weapons and controls.Once past the training program you are presented with many variations of combat missions.There is the single player campaign which is of course a great way to get use to the feel of the game and there is even a single player offline mode for each of the 3 multiplayer options which are: Conquest, Swarm and the recently added Assault. One of the best attributes of this game is that it is fully customizable in every way.You can customize everything from filtering which game servers to pick from to creating numerous different load-outs for your player to choosing a custom or quick match.There is of course the usual in-game text but regrettably Timegate has decided to add a 3rd party voice chat and friends list which is provided by Games for Windows Live. The game has a really cool beginning as you are jettisoned from a dropship orbiting the planet and allowed to land anywhere on the map to assist your teammates or ambush your enemy.After playing a bit you can begin leveling up in rank unlocking new skills and acquiring new types of armor and weapons.Some of the really fun and special dynamics of the game that sets it apart from other games is the Jetpack that every player spawns with, Turbo-Run of course which allows you to get to the other side of the map in record time (not to mention get out of trouble quickly), also the ability to drive Tanks, Walkers and Jet bikes which are loads of fun and last but not east the always cool yet always humiliating Knife Kill.
As far as the games graphics are concerned, if you were spending $60 on this game, I would say the graphics look visually dated. But when spending only $14.99, it is far more palatable. Textures and effects are basic and simplistic, but the game doesn’t look cheesy or ugly and the character design is cool enough to make up for the simplistic design.The two areas where I think the Section 8: Prejudice fell short was 1.) The in-game text-to-speech and in-game voice chat; both are sub-par at best.2.) Section 8 Prejudice uses the “games for windows live” add-on which didn’t feel like it was a part of the game and more of something they skimped on to save a buck.
If you enjoy first-person-shooter games, online multi-play and teamwork as much as I do then this is one game you should definitely have in your library.Every aspect of this game is a joy to play and fully customizable.Once you get the hang of the controls and the feel of the game you will have plenty of fun leveling up and earning new weapons and armor. The price is a HUGE factor here: $15 as compared to $60, that’s a $45 savings in your pocket.Overall, I think Timegate has hit a HOMERUN with their sequel to the original Section 8.Prejudice is one of the best FPS games to come out for under $15.Nicely done Timegate!!
Disclaimer: All scores given within our reviews are based on the artist’s personal opinion; this should in no way impede your decision to purchase the game.