SEGA launches the brand new RTS game LEAGUE OF WONDERLAND across America and Europe for iOS and Android devices. In LEAGUE OF WONDERLAND players wield a deck of 8 cards, each with their own strengths and weaknesses In order to achieve victory they need to destroy their opponent’s towers within a 2 minute time limit!
- App Store:
- Google Play:
Pre-registration numbers exceeded more than 350,000! At launch SEGA will distribute the below in-game rewards to all users:
- 1000 gold & 100 crystal
- Hero card “Great Sage Monkey” *rewarded upon reaching D1 league
- Hero card “Queen of Hearts” *rewarded upon reaching D2 league
- Hero card ”Moon Goddess Artemis” *rewarded upon reaching D3 league
- Hero card “Peter the Kid” rewarded upon reaching C league
- Hero card “Ruler of Heavens Zeus” rewarded upon reaching D1 league
- Hero card “Iron Hook” rewarded upon reaching D2 league
- Hero card “Snow Queen” rewarded upon reaching D3 league