With over 180,000 registered players and after 77,000 days or 211 years of game time played during its Alpha, Starborne, the science-fiction MMORTS from Icelandic developer Solid Clouds, will be heading into Open Beta on April 2nd with a roster of new additions and improvements.
The key features and additions being introduced for the Starborne Open Beta:
- A new map with zones that encourage expansion and empire building
- Three distinct victory conditions catering to different play style – Military, Industrial and Domain
- Improved game performance and stability
- Improved game pace and increase to a 10 week game round
- Alliance size reduced to 15
- For the very first time, an in-game Tutorial
- An android Companion App preview
- Mysterious alien artefacts, vortexes and broken planets are now on the frontier
- Badges to commemorate your progress and your achievements on the frontier
- Brand new Empire Skins and Map Pins make the map come alive
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