Take control of a team of self-replicating robots who have escaped from Earth and are searching the galaxy for a new planet to call home, all in search of fulfilling their dream to become human. “After more than two years…
No tricks, just treats – Over 1,000 Steam games included in Fanatical’s Scream Sale
Gamers looking for a thrill but without the shock of high prices this Halloween can look no further than Fanatical’s latest sale. Leading digital retailer Fanatical (www.fanatical.com) has launched the Scream Sale, which includes discounts on over 1,000 Steam games…
About Elise Father Redemption Free Halloween Update
It’s been more than a year since About Elise released on Steam and the experience so far has been incredible. Almost 36.000 players adding the game to their libraries is an amazing number. Well, there’s a little surprise for you…
Live Out Your Favourite Supernatural Monster of the Week Shows in HellSign
Whether it’s the paranormal, crime, or a particularly busy hospital, the “monster of the week” trope remains one of the most recognizable storytelling formats on television – from The Winchester brothers and Mulder & Scully, to Buffy, the Scooby Gang…
HammerheadVR’s tense PSVR horror game, SYREN, arrives Nov 6th
Horrific experiments in eugenics, a dilapidated research station, limited time, and only one way to escape – the haunting thrills of SYREN are coming to PlayStation VR on November 6th. “After coming to both Oculus and Vive, we are really…
For The King’s new multiplayer mode Gold Rush Announced
Battle Princess Madelyn Set To Release This Fall
The already highly acclaimed and much lauded, Battle Princess Madelyn is now set for release this fall with the exact release day to be announced VERY shortly. To mark the finale to the ending of development, which has seen the…
Trine 4 Heading to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC 2019
Premier indie video game publisher Modus Games has announced its partnership with Frozenbyte to release Trine 4 next year for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. The fantasy action series has sold over 8 million copies worldwide and…
Stellaris Unveils Industrious New MegaCorp Expansion
Paradox Interactive, a publisher and developer of games that promise a brighter future, has today announced the newest full expansion coming to Stellaris, the sci-fi grand strategy game from Paradox Development Studio. In this economy-focused expansion, players become the CEO…
UK Indie Dream Team announce Ancient Enemy
Awakening from centuries of slumber, a fallen mage returns to battle twisted folkloric foe across sprawling, ghostly landscapes. His ultimate destination: the nameless antagonist, a dread nemesis waiting patiently in the dark fastness of a monstrous citadel, his Ancient Enemy.…
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