I’ve been thinking hard about how to sum up my experience of the indie game Inner Space, when I’m usually so easy to please. At least, I have been so far when it comes to indie games. I should add,…
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 Review
Since 2005, Travellers Tales have been creating licenced LEGO games using a tried and tested formula. A combination of simple combat, fan service and puzzling they have pretty consistently pleased fans. Whilst at times the series has grown stale, the…
Sine Mora EX Review
Sine Mora ex is a diesel-punk shoot ’em up, or for those who do not recall this genre a three-dimensional scrolling shooter, by Digital Reality / Grasshopper Manufacture. Playing like a true classic comparable to the likes of the old…
Sonic Forces Review
There has been a lot of discussion in recent years of certain subsets of the Sonic Fandom who, devoted to the world of Sonic the Hedgehog, have created a wealth of interesting and varied fan-content. From original characters (pls don’t…
Mantis Burn Racing Review (Inc Nintendo Switch) (Full Release)
Racing games come and go, if you pardon the pun. A lot of them run right under your nose and unless they’re called Forza, Dirt or Mario Kart, you don’t really batter an eyelid. The latest racer to perhaps do…
Super Mario Odyssey Review – The Pursuit of Cappy-ness
It’s been a good year for fans of 3D platformers, all things considered. It’s like waiting for a bus – you get criminally underappreciated by the gaming industry for years and then three turn up at once. I personally think…
Flame in the Flood Review – Nintendo Switch
I can’t claim to have an enormous amount of experience with the survival genre – about the best I can muster is “I was in the same room as somebody playing Don’t Starve once.” So let it be an even…
Robonauts Review
Since its launch back in early March of this year, the library of games available on the Nintendo Switch has, thankfully, seen a dramatic increase of late. Seemingly keen to fill the virtual shelves of the console’s very own eShop,…
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle Review
It all starts like any other game, well not so much as all games are different right? start humming the Mario soundtrack, if you have forgotten it, click play as a reminder below http://www.invisioncommunity.co.uk/supermariomusic.mp3 Meet an intelligent girl, obsessed with…
Sonic Mania Review (PS4)
It’s fair to say that, whether you’re a die-hard fan or not, we can all admit that Sonic The Hedgehog hasn’t had the easiest of times over the past decade. With developers that are seemingly keen to reinvent the titular…
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