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Total War: THREE KINGDOMS Latest Cinematic Trailer Released

Total War developer Creative Assembly have released their latest cinematic trailer for Total War: THREE KINGDOMS, which is so far the fastest selling pre-order for a Total War game in the history of the franchise. The trailer introduces the fierce…

Total War: THREE KINGDOMS Diplomacy Gameplay Trailer

The second (and last) part of a new video series detailing the diplomacy system in Total War: THREE KINGDOMS is available to watch now: The diplomacy system has been rewritten from the ground up for THREE KINGDOMS, introducing a range…

Total War: THREE KINGDOMS gets a release date, early adopter bonus and collector’s edition revealed

SEGA  and Creative Assembly have revealed the Early Adopter Bonus, Collector’s Edition and Limited Edition for Total War: THREE KINGDOMS. The next historical title in the award-winning Total War strategy series, and the first to explore ancient China as a…

Total War: THREE KINGDOMS first in-engine cinematic trailer

Today SEGA Europe Ltd has revealed the first in-engine cinematic trailer for Total War: THREE KINGDOMS, the next historical title in the Total War strategy series from Creative Assembly launching in Spring 2019. Total War: THREE KINGDOMS is the first Total War…