Unruly Heroes is a side-scrolling action platformer developed by Magic Design Studios, which is made up of some former Ubisoft employees with ties to AAA titles like Assassin’s Creed, Ghost Recon and Rayman. The game has been out on PC,…
Award Winning, Critically Acclaimed Unruly Heroes lands on PlayStation 4
Grab your dualshock and set out on an epic journey of intrigue and discovery as Magic Design Studios finally unleash their stunning action-platformer, Unruly Heroes, on PlayStation 4 from today. With it’s simple to pick up, hard to master combat…
Unruly Heroes journey’s to PlayStation 4 on May 28th
Magic Design Studios has announced their critically acclaimed action-platformer, Unruly Heroes, will battle its way onto PlayStation 4 this May. (Also available for Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PC) And those PS4 players who set out on a journey with…
Unruly Heroes Heading to PS4 this Spring
Magic Design Studios is bringing their critically acclaimed action-platformer, Unruly Heroes, to PlayStation 4 this spring. Your Grandad’s platform game this is not! Unruly Heroes features a simple to pick up, hard to master combat system across 4 playable characters,…
Unruly Heroes Out Now on Nintendo Switch, PC and Xbox One
Magic Design Studios has announced that Unruly Heroes is now available on Nintendo Switch, Steam, Microsoft Store, and Xbox One. “We want to invite players to be part of some fantastic universes,” says Creative Director Yang Lu. “We spent a…
Action Platformer Unruly Heroes Coming Early 2019
The team at Montpellier-based Magic Design Studios is humbled by the enthusiastic response this year while showcasing at various events and has announced that Unruly Heroes will be released in early 2019. Featuring four playable characters that battle a diverse…
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