The Gardens Between, an adventure puzzler from The Voxel Agents in which players manipulate time to guide two best friends through a surreal world of mysterious garden islands will come out Sept. 20 on Nintendo Switch, PS4, Steam and Mac App Store.
Follow Arina and Frendt as they venture into a world of reality-warping island gardens rooted in nostalgia. Manipulate time’s flow and help the friends revisit childhood memories by solving puzzles. Follow the duo as they experience an emotional journey revisiting the precious moments they’ve shared together.
Pre-orders for The Gardens Between on Nintendo Switch and Mac App Store will be open today by 6 a.m. PT / 3 p.m. CEST for $19.99. It can be wishlisted on Steam, where it will be available on Windows, Mac and Linux.
For more information, please visit The Garden Between’s official website.