Square Enix presents the feature-length film, “The Making of a Tomb Raider.” Previously debuted as a unique in-cinema event, the Lara Croft inspired movie follows renowned BASE jumper Clair Marie as she recreates iconic action sequences from Tomb Raider.
Relive memorable scenes from the 2013 release of Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and the recently released Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Watch as Clair scales up jagged rock faces and performs exciting moves like the classic Lara Leap.
Coinciding with the film’s release, players can enjoy a weeklong digital sale of Shadow of the Tomb Raider. For U.S. customers only, the game is receiving a 50% discount off the base game on Xbox, while the Season Pass will see a 33% discount. The sale will run from March 19 through March 25.