Leading gaming headset and audio brand Turtle Beach, unveiled the Elite Pro 2 + SuperAmp Pro Performance Gaming Audio Systems for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The eagerly anticipated successors to 2016’s innovative and groundbreaking Elite Pro Tournament Gaming Headset have arrived. Developed in collaboration with top pro esports teams such as OpTic Gaming, Splyce, and the Houston Outlaws, the Elite Pro 2 + SuperAmp is the perfect balance of powerful amplified professional-grade sound, unmatched build quality and comfort, and groundbreaking mobile app-based control of your audio settings. Launching September 16, 2018 at participating retailers in North America, and on October 8, 2018 in the UK and across Europe, the Elite Pro 2 + SuperAmp will be available for a MSRP of £219.99 and will come ready to propel both hardcore and professional gamers alike to higher levels of competitive play and more podium wins. Read below for full details on the Elite Pro 2 + SuperAmp Gaming Audio System. #WeAreElite
Additionally, Xbox fans seeking to complete their Elite setup need look no further as Microsoft also just announced the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller in Robot White. Get pro-level precision with the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller, featuring an arsenal of swappable components, Hair Trigger Locks, and limitless customization with an easy-to-use app. Choose from a variety of Thumbsticks, D-pads, and paddles for a tailored feel that provides game-changing accuracy and speed. The Xbox Elite Wireless Controller in Robot White will be available on October 16, 2018 for a MSRP of £199.99 at Microsoft Stores and at GameStop in the U.S. and at participating retailers worldwide.
“Creating the Elite Pro 2 + SuperAmp took the experience and dedication of our team, and deep collaboration with our esports partners to ensure we deliver the best Elite level gaming audio system,” said Juergen Stark, CEO, Turtle Beach. “It’s a testament to the relentless commitment we started nearly five years ago when we began work on the original Elite Pro, and we’re looking forward to launching its successor next month and once again resetting the bar for what gamers should expect in a competitive gaming headset.”
The Elite Pro 2 headset is built to win with professional-grade audio performance driven by Turtle Beach’s signature esports-tuned 50mm Nanoclear speakers paired with a removable high-sensitivity mic with TruSpeak technology for crystal-clear communication with teammates. The Elite Pro 2 headset also sports a sleek and durable metal headband with a suspended pad, Turtle Beach’s patented ProSpecs glasses friendly design, and magnetic AeroFit™ cooling gel-infused memory foam ear cushions featuring athletic sport fabric and synthetic leather working together to block out external noise while keeping players cool and comfortable under fire. Additionally, easily swappable magnetic deco plates allow players to customize their Elite Pro 2, with an assortment of deco plate designs planned to be available for purchase this holiday season.
At the same time, the elegant Elite SuperAmp offers an entirely new way for players to control their game audio. This one-dial gaming audio controller provides powerful amplified Windows Sonic for Headphones surround sound on Xbox One and DTS Headphone:X 7.1 channel surround sound on PS4, and connects via Bluetooth to the Turtle Beach Audio Hub mobile app on Android or iOS devices where gamers can adjust a variety of settings. When connected to the Audio Hub app on their mobile device, players will be able to instantly control features like Game and Chat Audio Mix, Variable Mic Monitoring, Dynamic Chat Boost, Superhuman Hearing and other audio EQ presets, including Bass Boost. There are also controls for the SuperAmp’s LED color and lighting mode, and streaming-specific audio settings as well.
“We’re excited for the results of our continued partnership with Turtle Beach,” said OpTic Gaming General Manager Romain Bigeard. “A competitive organization like ours has the most stringent performance requirements for our equipment, and Turtle Beach has consistently matched and exceeded our standards. The Elite Pro 2 + SuperAmp fulfills that demand and then some, and we expect it to be a crucial addition to the kit of any gamer looking to give themselves an edge over the competition.”
Additionally, fans attending PAX West will have the opportunity to be some of the first gamers in the world to try out the Elite Pro 2 + SuperAmp before it hits retail shelves. PAX West takes place August 31 – September 3, 2018 in Seattle, Washington. Turtle Beach will be in Booth #S2 located in the West Hall near the entrance, where players can go head-to-head playing the latest games using Turtle Beach’s latest gear.
Turtle Beach’s Elite Pro 2 + SuperAmp Gaming Audio System for Xbox One and PS4 defines the future of esports gaming audio equipment, delivering best-in-class audio performance for game sound and team chat, plus innovative comfort-driven technologies. Elite esports performance, elite comfort, and the elite esports audio setup designed to help you dominate the competition…this is Elite Pro!