It is a terrible cliché that gamers are either overweight or unhealthy and pallid as a result of a lack of exposure to natural light. While this broad generalization is offensive and simply wrong for many game enthusiasts, playing video games for an extended period of time can be harmful to your health. Here are a few strategies to help you stay healthy when playing video games.
Try to avoid eye strain
Your eyes are not designed to perform at maximum capacity without a rest. This is one of the reasons why we blink and sleep at certain times of the day. When we are looking at screens or watching television, we tend to forget to blink. Keeping our eyes open dehydrates them and can lead to long-term vision impairment. For at least twenty seconds every twenty minutes, try to fix your gaze on an object that is at least twenty feet distant from you. The 20-20-20 rule is used to describe this.
Take regular breaks
Break up your play sessions in the following ways: complete a level, prepare a sandwich, play another level, eat the sandwich, complete a mission, and clean up after lunch. According to how difficult the game is or how you play, this could take up to an hour with frequent breaks in the middle of it. Even just a few minutes of roaming about allows your muscles to get some practice while also allowing your eyes to recover a little bit.
Get some fresh air
The need for fresh air when gaming is a clear health guideline, as is the requirement for exercise. While you are playing, simply leave an adjacent window open a crack or two. If it is in the next room, open the door as far as you possibly can and consider getting a plant for your cave as a decoration. Despite the fact that it is unlikely to refresh your air on its own, it can brighten up the space and make it smell nicer, as well as helping to circulate oxygen. Additionally, taking a short walk outside is a fantastic way to unwind.
Think about your posture
Good posture is something that not only helps you stay healthy, but it also helps you appear more professional. Maintain an erect posture with a straight back and a modest downward tilt to your chin. Investing in a good chair can serve as a quick fix in this situation. Not necessarily one of those high-tech game consoles with a plethora of features and options. Nothing more than a comfortable, supportive chair that allows you to sit erect and gives decent back support.
There are numerous options for staying active that do not include the construction of your own workout generator, the purchase of a gym membership, or the use of any equipment at all. Every now and again, attempt some basic workouts to keep things interesting. Depending on the available area, you can incorporate exercises such as lunges and squats for your legs, planks and sit-ups for your core, and push-ups for your upper body into your workout routine. Exercise tools such as dumbbells, which are inexpensive and take up little room, are also excellent choices, particularly modular dumbells, which allow you to alter the load. Just keep in mind to stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Jumping jacks and burpees are excellent exercises, but they require a certain amount of room to avoid knocking stuff over.
Make sure you stretch regularly
Doing some gentle stretching when taking a break is a vital exercise to engage in while taking a break. During prolonged gaming sessions, your shoulders, arms, lower back, and legs can all become stiff and painful issue areas. Perform stretches that are specifically targeted at these parts of the body. Even a simple arm stretch while waiting for a loading screen will have significant long-term advantages.
Keep up with your appointments
It is vital that you do not let gaming overtake your life to the point where you are skipping health checkups. Make sure you keep up with eye checks, dentist appointments and any other necessary medical appointments. If you do require medication, you do not need to worry about going out to the pharmacy to pick them up – you can order online and have them delivered with Simple Online Pharmacy. There is no excuse!
Keep an eye on your caffeine intake
Caffeine is a gamer’s best buddy since it keeps them up. We all know that while you are playing Call of Duty in the morning or sitting in for an extended World of Warcraft session after work, it is only natural to have a caffeinated beverage next to you to keep you going.
You must, however, exercise caution to avoid overindulging in coffee or using it to force yourself to stay up later than you should to play video games. Not only do you run the risk of developing a coffee addiction, but you will also unavoidably disrupt your sleep cycle. Attempt to keep your caffeine consumption to a bare minimum.
Although staying away from health problems when gaming is not difficult, they can sneak up and catch you off guard if you are not vigilant. If you follow the recommendations above, you should be able to play for as long as you like without risking your safety.
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