Having amassed praise and awards aplenty after its debut on Xbox One and PC earlier this year, PQube is excited to announce that pixel art thriller STAY will roll out on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch this summer.
“STAY is a unique prospect, and one where the player can only influence Quinn rather than decide his every move,” says Michael Fisher, Product Manager at PQube. “It’s an approach that poses some interesting questions for the player. Indeed, it becomes quickly apparent that what Quinn does away from the PC – which is all monitored by CCTV – is as important to the mystery behind STAY as what he says when he’s at his keyboard. The game is also played out in real time, so every moment the player spends away from their console or PC is a moment Quinn is left to his own devices. Will he survive without you?”
“We’re excited to bring STAY to PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch having seen gamers really take to Quinn and his dark and dangerous world on Xbox One and PC,” adds Fisher. “With multiple different story branches and seven different endings, we think these new players will take to Quinn’s perilous situation with trepidation.”
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