Frame Arms Girl, the beloved anime series from Kotobukiya Corporation, will join the eccentric cast of Pixies in Master of Eternity, the mobile action strategy role-playing game (SRPG) from NEXON Korea Corporation. Fans will engage with delightful characters from the series and participate in themed special events throughout the month. The Master of Eternity x Frame Arms Girl crossover event kicks-off on Thursday, Nov. 15 for iOS and Android.
Frame Arms Girl is the widely-popular spin-off series from Frame Arms, following “FA Girl” who is equipped with various armor and weapon parts for battle.
The crossover events pits FA Girl against Master of Eternity’s personality-packed Pixies, suiting up for battle to defend the galaxy. Both novice and veteran players will enlist for galactic warfare, exploring several new Facebook events, such as:
- Weekly Character Unveilings – Players will engage in battle with various characters from the Frame Arms Girl series, boasting unique classes, skills and more. Playable characters will be released weekly throughout the crossover event, including:
- Week One: Gourai
- Week Two: Stylet
- Week Three: Baselard and Jinrai
- Exclusive Collaboration Celebration – Players can participate in the Master of Eternity x Frame Arms Girl Crossover News Share Event until Wednesday, Nov. 14. Prizes include:
- 500,000 credits for over 100 shares
- 5 Enhancement Tickets and 5 AP Tickets for over 200 shares
- Two guaranteed Grade S3 Tickets and Four Collaboration Mini-minis for over 500 shares
- More Events – The ‘Guess Whose Skill is This’ Event from Thursday, Nov. 8 to Wednesday, Nov. 14 offers players the chance to win either 300 Gems or 500 Gems.